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might have heard of the Method that is used for making FIFA 15 coins
effectively. The moments when there are more gamers will have several
times more traffic compared to the moments with much less traffic. We
will analyze the best moments to sell or buy cards to make FIFA coins.
is good to buy cards during 1:00 am to 6:00 am. However, since there
are fewer active gamers in market, its absolutely hard to sell. There
are fewer cards you can buy while since the competition become lower,
its possible to find out good opportunities. Well suggest you to bid
some items that you find cheap even if youre not active during the
period. Youll get chances to make FIFA coins from them.
The good
time to sell cards is during 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm. Despite the large
competition, as the traffic gets to the most, the sales will increase
dramatically. The phenomenon which happens in the category four will be
stronger in this time. Its when the inexperienced gamers come and so
great bargains appear.
The amount of FIFA 15 coins you could make
with the method will be unlimited since you are able to find endless
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It is easy to use this Method. You could use
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Even if youve known market quite well, which is required, you might be
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cautious when the cards become too cheap. This market might have ever
changed, you dont realize and you might think about that the low prices
are the influence of the time that youre buying. Be careful and you will
not lose your FIFA 15 coins.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
FIFA 15 has a large number of advancements and new stuff
FIFA 15 has a large number of advancements and new stuff also numerous to express fifa 15 coins on this page. it’s an excellent natural approach successor to FIFA fourteen. It takes on higher and additional swimmingly and requires whole benefit of graphics, physics and gameengine improvements developed in several Semitic deity titles. The programmers appear more party encoding for the Xbox 1 this coming year. For the major period in an exceedingly longstanding, I noticed this became a sporting activities simulation that is almost comprehensive, and that i havent even very mamma that significantly in the sport activity even so.
Featuring its tournaments, on-line play and superior Team, FIFA 15 might be a activity I plan to perform regularly all year round.This wonderful FIFA 15 Bug Is each and every Manager’s Worst Horror.
Extremely, EA’s High quality Certainty crew uncomprehensible this: you will discover a bug in FIFA 15 that offers all players with Relate in Nursing jobs unequalled need to operate to the centre in the sphere.
The bug quickly decreases the desirable online game into lolworthy inexperienced hr, with ‘keepers bundling into referees as being a commencing of have sportsmen without the need of graciousness scrap for ownership.
It truly appears like a right giggle. i am inclined to electronic mail this movie to FIFA with the recommendation that bundles need to replace penalty shootouts.
But this would seem want to be one particular error amongst several on the pc version of FIFA 15. Athletes are complaintive relating to option mapping and lighting problems as well. Because the publisher is keen to distance itself from fifa-coin the fatal game launches of Sim City and battleground four, this all might go down pretty badly at Semitic deity.
Featuring its tournaments, on-line play and superior Team, FIFA 15 might be a activity I plan to perform regularly all year round.This wonderful FIFA 15 Bug Is each and every Manager’s Worst Horror.
Extremely, EA’s High quality Certainty crew uncomprehensible this: you will discover a bug in FIFA 15 that offers all players with Relate in Nursing jobs unequalled need to operate to the centre in the sphere.
The bug quickly decreases the desirable online game into lolworthy inexperienced hr, with ‘keepers bundling into referees as being a commencing of have sportsmen without the need of graciousness scrap for ownership.
It truly appears like a right giggle. i am inclined to electronic mail this movie to FIFA with the recommendation that bundles need to replace penalty shootouts.
But this would seem want to be one particular error amongst several on the pc version of FIFA 15. Athletes are complaintive relating to option mapping and lighting problems as well. Because the publisher is keen to distance itself from fifa-coin the fatal game launches of Sim City and battleground four, this all might go down pretty badly at Semitic deity.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
ArcheAge Launch Update: Capacities, Communication, and Where to Find Info

Hi everyone, we'd like to thank you all for being a part of this absolutely massive launch of ArcheAge, Huge archeage gold sale at
We've heard from a lot of you that ArcheAge has stirred up excitement for an MMO in a way that many of you haven't felt in a long time. When people are in and playing, we hear a lot that the game's the great, exciting experience they were waiting for.
While it's been great for many, it's been uneven for others, most notably if you're stuck waiting. (We know, we wait in the same queues you do.)
Know that we haven't been, and won't be, resting until the experience is great for everyone. We've been talking to you a lot about "patience - which has been extreme in some cases for sure.
I'd like to talk about what we're doing to make sure that all of you can have that same kind of experience.
In an ideal world, we have all the hardware we need to host the ideal number of servers, in a way that works best for everyone. We'd strike the perfect balance between launch popularity, when everyone wants to be online 100% of the time, and the settled population of more normal play patterns that will naturally come over time.
In reality, we have to plan capacity months ahead of time, based on things like web site signups, numbers of people who play in alphas and betas, how long they play, and so on. There's a fair amount of science that goes into it, and in general it's pretty accurate. We then include extra for overflow, just in case we need more.
In this case, so many entirely new people showed up that we opened not just all of our launch hardware on the first day, but the overflow hardware soon after as well. Since Head Start, we've expanded both the number of servers and the capacity of all servers steadily. We try to let you know this both on the forums and on Twitter (@ArcheAge]) whenever this occurs.
Inside the business you'll hear people call this "problems of success," but make no mistake - since it negatively affects you, we remain obsessively focused on the "problem" part, not the "success" part. We treat these as high priority problems that we need to solve, as rapidly as possible.
Right. There are things going on both in and out of game to make things better:
1) Yes, more hardware is on its way to helping you! We're still aiming to strike the balance between short and long term and we know with certainty that more hardware is needed for both. We've heard both the "more servers" and "no more servers" crowds, and are certain we need to take steps toward more. I'm happy to share that the next round of hardware landed with our team in Texas this morning.
While I do wish that we could violate the laws of space and time to transport physical servers instantly, and help both NA and EU simultaneously, because of the way hardware is shipped out, and factors like "customs," there will be some delay between helping out the two regions. Do note that we're doing everything we can to make sure that delay is as minimal as possible. (We are aiming for days, not weeks, between.)
We'll be talking more about the details here over the coming days, in our Launch FAQ thread.
2) Note that we've been more aggressively sweeping AFKers, even manually when needed. For example, while we had said during beta that we were tentatively tolerant of AFK mount riding, we'd be keeping an eye out to see if it became a problem. Well, it's officially a problem when actual players who will be playing can't get in.
If you're not actively playing, please do be aware that you might not be there when you get back. Of course, while we do appreciate creative justifications such as "I am merely celebrating the excitement of launch by exercising my steed in a circular pattern for an extended period of time," those will still earn a quick trip to desktop.
We're also going to be setting up a more aggressive AFK timer as is suited to an over-popular launch, and ensuring that there are fewer ways to get around it. Again, this is all to create the greatest opportunity to get active human beings into the game.
3) As with any launch where you get massive numbers of new players, we need great people helping out with the typical things that happen as services scale up, which is why I wanted to talk Customer Service. You have wanted to talk with them. You've wanted to talk with them a lot. And they really do want to help.
Trion's CS team has already been expanded pretty massively, with scores of new people coming on board in the weeks leading up to ArcheAge's launch. There's a veritable dedicated army of people wanting to help. We're also happy to announce that we're ramping that up even more. As with all of our CS in the past, we're continuing down the path of natively fluent CS reps in each language we service.
4) Communication is critical during launches - We do get that. I've personally tweeted more during this launch than I think I have since Twitter existed. We're going to be redoubling our efforts, most notably on our forums, with even more people pitching in.
We had been trying to focus our updates into specific known locations, but that's not having the effect that we had hoped. We need to be in more places and threads that you're already discussing, so you can expect more of that beginning today, and in a more visibly 24/7 fashion than it might have appeared previously. We've been continuously working like crazy knocking down the types of launch issues one might expect, but if you don't see evidence of it, then it's not as helpful to you. We get that too.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
One Month into WildStar
We're now one month out from the launch of WildStar – it seems like a good time to look back on our first month of being a Real Game. When you put as much
blood, sweat, and tears into a game like this, you hope that when it's out in the public that it's well received. We've been fortunate enough to experience
just that – fan response and buzz has been phenomenal, reviews and press coverage has been great, and the number of players rushing to get into Nexus has
been strong. So strong, in fact, that we've had the need to add new servers to keep up with the demand and stabilize queue times.
Pulling off a smooth MMO launch is no easy task, but our dedicated team here has managed to make WildStar's launch month relatively painless, and I'm very
proud of them for that work. We've dealt with the odd hiccup, but there haven't been any major issues preventing folks from enjoying WildStar (especially
once we got the launch queues under control as rapidly as possible). The community has been great about identifying bugs they've encountered, and our team
here has done an equally admirable work in providing hotfixes and solutions to these issues. We're working toward ensuring the best experience for seasoned
players and new MMO folks just getting into Nexus.
This week we have the Strain Ultra-Drop hitting the live game, and this massive content offering will give fans a good idea of what they can expect from us
moving forward. Players now have access to a new zone, new housing items, new gear, new mounts, new lore to discover… and that's not even everything!
When we launched WildStar, the buzz was that we were one of the most feature-rich and content-rich MMOs ever to launch, and we're doubling down on that:
providing large amounts of new stuff to do, tweaking existing content and features, and adding and improving areas at a regular cadence with future drops.
If you think there's a lot to do on Nexus now, cool – but really our goal is to have the best MMO on the planet over time, and our secret to that is to keep
listening to our players, being responsive in real time on major issues, staying transparent, and growing and improving the game on a regular basis. If we
can every month improve where we can do better and further grow the areas we're already strong, we'll win that race.
Stuff we'll keep working on: We just banned over the last few days 7200 botters and hackers; PLEASE use 2-factor authentication as the vast majority of
these are hacked accounts using account names and passwords from previous games. We'll ban more (anecdotally this has had a good effect on seeing less
mining bots in the game, but there will be more until they run out of hacked accounts) and add more tools and detections to help (in the same way we got zone
spam under control). To help out we're dogpiling lots of folks (devs, folks from other groups, folks from other games) to help out our CS team with tools
and bodies – they have to both handle bans and also restore the hacked accounts, which takes time. I suspect the next round of dev fixes that are
incoming should make yet more major improvements, but I'll hold off standing in front of a 'Mission Accomplished' banner until we're sure. Since we're the
popular game in the industry right now we certainly have the attention of all the RMT scammers/hackers, and we'll keep fighting that fight.
Many improvements on optimizations have gone in the last month and just before launch; many folks have seen big improvements from the various beta drivers as
manufacturers have released those, and there are some new AMD fixes going in in this week and work continues on optimizing on all systems. We've also had,
I'd say, a pretty rapid pace of bugfixes and class fixes going in; that of course will continue and we'll always work to tweak class balance as we gather
data and folks figure out the optimal gameplay styles for the classes. And in the comment threads that follow you'll rapidly see a list of those issues we
haven't hit yet – but of course we're always looking at the feedback and data and improving; we just addressed a lot with this update and we will always be
It's been a pretty busy time and we're pretty happy with where things are at, while (always) being transparent on what we want to do better. We want to
thank you all for your time on Nexus, for helping new players get acquainted to the game (they're the hardcore of the future) and for sharing ideas and
thoughts with our dev team on how to make our game even better. This has been a labor of love for all of us here at Carbine, and the response we've received
from the fans has us bright eyed about the future of our game. We're on this journey together.
See you in the game!
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New Mount Available with 2-Step Verification!
Imagine you're enjoying all Nexus has to offer. You've obtained the rarest of Housing decor, you've maxed your Arena rank in PvP, and you're swimming in gold
like the Nexus version of Scrooge McDuck. Living the good life, right?
Then all of a sudden, you log in and all your items are gone, your character's left cold and nude in the middle of the capital, and your hard-earned cash has
been stolen! That's just the worst.
Now imagine that you have 2-Step Verification set-up and it's back to the good life. Your items are safe, your gold's secure. Now your account's much less at
risk of being compromised and you can focus on the important stuff.
As if keeping all of your hard earned loot secure isn't reason enough to apply 2-Step Verification to your account, we're sweetening up the rewards, cupcake.
You'll still get your usual incentive:
2% XP, Renown, and Prestige bonus
Cybernetic Eyepatch
In-game title of Certifiably Certified
But starting July 10th, anyone with an active 2-Step Verification attached to their account gets one of the sweetest rides on Nexus, the Retroblade Mount.
If you're already enrolled in 2-Step, you will automatically receive the Retroblade Mount in your Account Inventory by July 10. Don't have 2-Step
Verification but want a sweet mount and a safe account? Check out our Knowledge Base article or read our FAQ below to learn more about 2-Step Verification!
So don't sit back and let the hackers win. Get 2-Step Verification today and live the good life!
Why do I need to add 2-Step Verification?
We get it, nobody likes taking orders. But hey, you don't have to do anything. 2-Step Verification isn't required, but it is recommended.
It adds an additional layer of security that keeps your account safe from hackers.
How does the 2-Step Verification keep my account safe?
If you think of your account like a house, your password is the door. Adding 2-Step Verification to that is like putting a heavy-duty lock on that
door. You wouldn't leave your door unlocked, would you?
What are the other incentives for applying a 2-Step Verification?
You get sweet in-game items: the Retro Blade mount, the Cybernetic Eyepatch, an in-game title that'll make you the envy of Nexus. You also get a buff
that boosts your XP, Prestige, and Renown.
Once I have 2-Step Verification set up, what changes?
Logging into WildStar will look a little different, as you'll have that extra layer of security to get through. When you log in, enter your username
and password as normal. After that, a pop-up window with a keypad will show over your normal sign-in page, where you'll enter a six-digit code generated by
your chosen authenticator, such as the Google Authenticator App (iTunes, Android)
Keys on the keypad are positioned randomly and you'll have to click on each key with your mouse.
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Friday, July 11, 2014
Woowowgold Archivist: Talents have come full circle
(Woowowgold wow gold) - WoW Archivist explores the secrets of World of Warcraft's past. What did the game look like years ago? Who is etched into WoW's history? What secrets does the game still hold?
The Warlords of Draenor patch 6.0 notes have revealed the latest changes to WoW's ever-evolving talent system. Talents have remained a core system in WoW since its earliest days, the primary method that allows players to make their characters distinct.
In the beta for WoW and throughout vanilla, talent trees were a bit of a mess, as Archivist covered. Today, we'll examine how those early trees came to be expanded, refined, and then scrapped for a very different system. We'll also look at how Warlords is bringing back the earliest version of talent trees in a brand new way.
Article Source: - Two specs are better than one
(Best Wow Gold Seller) - In Wrath, Blizzard doubled-down on talent trees. Wrath expanded the trees even further, with another ten points and another layer of talents added at the bottom of each tree.
However, Wrath also introduced Dual Specialization in patch 3.1. The dual spec ability was one of cheap wow gold in stock. Suddenly, you could switch from an elemental shaman to a resto shaman on the fly, instead of hearthing to town, resetting your points, respending your points, setting up your bars with the different spells, etc. Players could have separate specs for PvE and PvP. Raiders could set up one talent configuration for single target DPS and one for cleaving down adds.
Blizzard also added the Equipment Manager, which allowed you to save your different sets of armor and weapons for each spec or role. Most players already had an addon for this, but the official one was a great substitute.
Overall, players had far less incentive to use hybrid builds in Wrath. They could change their role to what the raid or the arena team needed with the click of a button. Some players stuck to their hybrid ways, but such builds became more and more fringe.
Meanwhile, the trees had become enormous: 71 points distributed over 11 tiers per tree. Classes had more than 80 different talents to choose from -- almost double the talent choices of classic WoW. Here's what they looked like back then:
Article Source:
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil review: Qualifier | fifaservice
The FIFA World Cup is one of the grandest, most cherished sporting events in the world. The quadrennial competition pits teams of the best soccer players on
the planet against one another, each representing dozens of nations (hundreds in the qualifying stages). To do the competition justice, a video game would
need to elicit how special the World Cup is, especially to nations that hold the sport closer to their hearts (I'm looking at you, everyone but the United
Purely by virtue of existing as a stand-alone product, you'd think 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil would drive home the event's importance as its own entity
outside of soccer. However, EA Sports seemingly spent more time trying to convince us that 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil is worthy of being its own $60 retail
game than delivering enough to separate it from the main series in a truly meaningful way.
2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil's striking visual style immediately denotes how it differs from FIFA 14. It carries the same menu and layout format as last year's
primary FIFA game, but its clean lines and white backdrops are replaced with colorful paint splatters and strokes to give every element of the game an
uneven, worldly feel. That vibe carries through the game's pinpoint commentary as well as the frequent cuts to your team's manager and fans during games.
Likewise, though EA Sports opted for Xbox 360 and PS3 instead of their next-gen counterparts, the stadiums hosting the World Cup this year are shown in
fantastic detail. From a purely visual standpoint, the game celebrates the World Cup in a magnificent manner.
If only World Cup Brazil's merits rested on its graphics. On the field, it's nearly identical to the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of FIFA 14, save for a few
differences. While the last-gen versions of FIFA 14 felt somewhat slow, and passes seemed a bit vulnerable (read our review here), World Cup Brazil seems
faster by comparison. In a way, the juiced-up athletes feel a touch smarter and more capable overall than in FIFA 14, and they probably should, given that
World Cup Brazil comprises international squads only. Still, it's a small change that, even in addition to tweaked penalty kicks and new over-the-back header
animation, doesn't feel substantially different than FIFA 14. This isn't to say that World Cup Brazil is unsatisfactory – just like FIFA 14, it doesn't have
many honest flaws in the actual flow of the game.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Monday, February 10, 2014
Professions, for a bit of an extra bite
Leveling up Blacksmithing and Engineering is gonna be costly. If you’re not that rich then you should look at Tycoon to help with your gold flow.
Blacksmithing for the flexibility. Provides two extra gem sockets. Useful if Resilience ever becomes the top stat again, or Haste/Crit become a lot more valuable at some point.
Engineering for the Synapse Springs glove enchant cooldown, plus useful toys like parachutes & gliders & movement boosts.
Jewelcrafting for better gems; slot two of them.
Enchanting for ag on rings.
Leatherworking for the Ag bracer enchant.
Herbalism for the Haste cooldown.
Blacksmithing for the flexibility. Provides two extra gem sockets. Useful if Resilience ever becomes the top stat again, or Haste/Crit become a lot more valuable at some point.
Engineering for the Synapse Springs glove enchant cooldown, plus useful toys like parachutes & gliders & movement boosts.
Jewelcrafting for better gems; slot two of them.
Enchanting for ag on rings.
Leatherworking for the Ag bracer enchant.
Herbalism for the Haste cooldown.
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Major Payne’s Pet Menagerie: Perky Pug
Sitrep: You’ve had plenty of time to work off food comas from the recent holidays, exercise your minds and bodies, and get a taste of the Celestial Tournament. Now it’s time to test your strength, cunning, and ability to not be eaten by a tiny little puppy! Oh, you might survive for a little while. Maybe you’ll even get to the point where I finally get to see some of the results of your training in action—but I’m betting you still get eaten!!
And there will be no moaning and complaining! I don’t care if you’re Horde or Alliance—this assignment is meant to challenge you and show how far you’ve come since we began honing your skills as a Pet Battler. I guarantee you, if you pass (also known as “survive”), the heavens will rain glory upon you, heralds in cities across Azeroth will shout your name out of sheer respect, and leaders of every faction will salute you with honor whenever you pass by.
Actually, none of that is going to happen. Haha, you should see your face right now!
Deep in the heart of Stormwind castle resides a furry monster with awful breath, a spikey harness, and a curly tail. Your test is to go there, find this menace, and challenge him to a fight! You’re not allowed to scream!
Here’s the miniature puff-ball now to give you some more details.
Crithto: This is the most awkward moment of my entire life. Uhem . . . if you wish to own a Perky Pug, you’re going to need to p.u.g. your way to victory. Simply earn the achievement Looking For Multitudes, and this handsome, charming, fantastic-smelling, cheerful fella will be delivered to your mailbox. Once properly trained, you’ll be able to take advantage of hard-hitting abilities like Comeback and Trample. This amazing animal also has great survivability when you use Buried Treasure and Burrow. As for Payne’s test, there’s not much I can say other than your chances of success are much greater should you bring bacon. Or is it the other way around?
No friends, no trickery, no whining, no crying—those are the rules! One of you goes in, one of you emerges triumphant. But if I see Crithto scampering around the canals seconds after you’ve gone in, then I’ll know you’re not ready to take on the big challenges. Oh yes . . . they get much bigger!
Come join the discussion about this pet in our Pet Battles forum. You can also learn more about the Perky Pug by visiting
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